
To keep you informed of important messages from the city!


LIFT of the Boil-Water Advisory - April 29

Please note that the boil water notice issued on April 29 concerning certain addresses on Boulevard Hymus and rue Claude-Jodoin is now lifted.



When building, expanding or repairing driveways …

...It is always better to ask before undertaking any work!

For the construction, repair or expansion of a driveway on your property, you must first get a construction permit from the Urban Planning Department, at a cost of $50.00.

Requesting a permit

The request must be accompanied by a copy of the property’s certificate of location, clearly indicating the dimensions of the parking area and its planned location, as well as distances from the house and the property lines.

Construction work in street right-of-way

If a sidewalk or curb must be sawed off, a fire hydrant moved or any other work done in the street right-of-way, these works must be carried out by the Town. You can find out more from the Urban Planning Department when you apply for the permit.

Parking on the street during construction work

Should you have to park on a public roadway because of work being carried out in the driveway, you must advise the Urban Planning Department before work begins. The staff will make sure to provide you with a temporary parking permit saving you the trouble and preventing you from violating any applicable by-law relating to parking on a public roadway.

Learn about the applicable regulations

The main regulatory requirements applicable to building, repairing or expanding a driveway are found in Articles 10.7 and 10.8 of Zoning By-law No. 90-58. The Urban Planning Department is responsible for ensuring compliance with the planning By-law and can help you better understand its requirements.

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Any questions?

The department can be reached during regular business hours at Town Hall or by calling 514 694-4100. An information request can also be sent online through the Requests on Line system which can be accessed at any time through the Town’s website.