
To keep you informed of important messages from the city!


LIFT of the Boil-Water Advisory - April 29

Please note that the boil water notice issued on April 29 concerning certain addresses on Boulevard Hymus and rue Claude-Jodoin is now lifted.

Heat pumps

Heat Pumps

Watch out for decibel levels when heat pumps are on!

The same goes for pool pumps and air-conditioners!

To install a heat pump or pool pump on your property or to replace an existing one, a certificate of authorization must first be obtained from the Urban Planning Department, available for $50.00. The request must be accompanied by a copy of the property’s certificate of location, clearly indicating the proposed location for the device as well as the number of decibels it produces.

Learn about the applicable regulations

Location of the device

Article 10.7 of Zoning By-law No. 90-58 on the use of outdoor spaces authorizes the installation of a heat pump in the rear or lateral setback but prohibits it in the front setback.

Noise produced by the device

By-law No. 2013-54 on nuisances sets at 60 decibels during daytime hours (7 a.m. to 11 p.m.) and at 55 decibels during nightime (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.) the maximum noise level permissible by an air-conditioning, heat exchange or pool device. The intensity must be measured using a precision sound level meter located 1.5 meters from the ground, at either end of the property line.


The Urban Planning Department is responsible for ensuring compliance with the planning By-law and can help you better understand its requirements.

The Department can be reached during regular business hours in person at the Town Hall’s Urban Planning desk or by calling 514 694-4100.

An information request can also be sent online through the Requests on Line system which can be accessed at any time through the Town’s website.