

Parking on public roadways

Avoid potential fines by respecting the by-law...

There are many regulations that apply to parking on public roadways. In order to enjoy a well ploughed street in the winter and one that is properly maintained at all times, it is important that no vehicles or other obstacles stand in the way of snow ploughs and street sweepers.

During scheduled collection days, garbage and recycling bins must be kept on your property and not on public roads. The same applies to sports equipment such as basketball nets, which must remain on the property at all times.

Learn about the applicable regulations

In Kirkland, By-Law No. 2013-55 sets out the rules applicable to traffic and parking in the municipality.


There are provisions in Chapter II of this by-law that are applicable in addition to the traffic rules contained in the Highway Safety Code, such as the new sector-specific signage in effect in all residential sectors as shown on the plan annexed to the By-Law as Appendix A.

Parking: rules to respect …

Though regulated, parking is permitted on most residential roads, so long as the following signage and conditions are respected. When specific circumstances such as driveway repairs or accommodating short-term visitor parking require temporary infringement of the conditions imposed in the by-law, a temporary parking permit request can be made online via the Requests on Line system.

Regulatory requirements

Chapter III of by-law No. 2013-55 specifies the circumstances and areas where vehicles are prohibited from parking on public roads. The following are the major applicable provisions:

On a public street, it is prohibited to park a road vehicle:

  • in violation of a traffic control device which prohibits or limits parking or stopping;
  • for a period of more than four consecutive hours on the same block, with some exceptions;
  • between 1:00 am and 7:00 am from November 15 to April 15 of the following year, with some exceptions ;
  • while a Town snow removal operation is under way;
  • during a snow fall once 2.5 cm of snow have accumulated on the roadway or the 12 hours thereafter;
  • where temporary “No parking” signs have been posted by the Town;
  • in order to sell the vehicle or use it for advertising purposes.

Elsewhere, it is prohibited to park a road vehicle:

  • in a park or any other green space belonging to the Town, except for Town and emergency vehicles;
  • between a curb and the nearest property line;
  • in a municipal parking lot unless the driver of the vehicle is on the premises of the municipal building or park which is adjacent to the parking lot;
  • on Saint-Charles Boulevard;
  • on a sidewalk
  • In a public or private parking lot, it is prohibited to park a road vehicle:
  • in such a way that the vehicle occupies more than one indicated parking spot;
  • in an area that is not designated for parking;
  • in violation of any posted parking rules.

Use of streets

Regulations regarding the use of streets are specified in Chapter IV as well as other articles of by-law No. 2013-55, By-law 2013-54 on Nuisances and By-law 2013-57 on Snow Removal.

Among others, it is prohibited to:

  • wash or repair a vehicle on the street;
  • play sports or games on the street;
  • install or place sports equipment such as basketball nets in the road right-of-way;
  • use the street for roller skating or otherwise while hooked to a road vehicle;
  • damage or move public signs;
  • remove a statement of offence placed on a parked car’s windscreen;
  • wipe off chalk or other marks from the tires of parked vehicles;
  • park a road vehicle that is not registered for the current year or that is non-operational in a lot or outside a building;
  • to loiter or sleep in a parked vehicle.


Idling a road vehicle is basically letting the engine run when it is parked or not in use. This practice is not only harmful to the health, but also to the environment and the vehicle itself.

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Regulations that apply to idling can be found in Chapter V of by-law No. 2013-55 on Traffic and Parking.

Any questions?

The Town Clerk and Legal Affairs Department can help you understand municipal regulatory requirements or redirect you to the proper department. The department can be reached during regular business hours at Town Hall or by calling 514 694-4100.