Because in an emergency situation,every minute counts!

Whether by landline, mobile or smart phone, email or text messaging, you can now be notified of an emergency situation affecting your area of residence within minutes of occurrence, via multiple platforms simultaneously.

The Town of Kirkland now boasts CodeRed a high-speed telecommunication system to quickly deliver messages to the population in emergency situations and is urging citizens to register now.

Boil water advisories, water main breaks, emergency road closures and evacuation notices are but a few local emergency situations for which critical information related to your household is now at your fingertips.

CodeRED subscribers are reminded to advise us in case of a change of address to ensure their personal information is up-to-date at all times.

*By completing this form, I understand that the information contained herein will be accessible to any Town employee involved in processing the file. I consent freely and knowingly to have all the information I have provided to the Town retained in accordance with the required security standards and the Town's retention rules.


Should you wish to unsubscribe from CodeRED, please write an email to the following email address [email protected], with your name and phone number(s).