Tree planting incentive programs

Kirkland residents can help increase their city’s urban canopy by planting a tree on their property.

The Town of Kirkland offers various tree planting programs at very little, or no cost! Plus, in many cases, the Town will come and plant it for you !

Simply choose the best program suited to your needs and submit your request to the Public Works Department, Urban Forestry Division.

The Town of Kirkland is pleased to participate in the A Tree for my Neighbourhood campaign providing Kirkland residents with an opportunity to purchase a tree delivered AND planted on their property, at a very low cost! Under the initiative of Regroupement des éco-quartiers and Soverdi, and in partnership with GRAME as well as with the support of the Town of Kirkland, this project is designed to promote biodiversity and to increase the urban tree canopy.

The fall sale will take place from August 21 to September 22, 2024 on a first-come first-served basis (while supplies last). To buy a tree, simply click the following link

Planting a tree allows to enjoy the many benefits that trees provide such as purifying the air, cooling the atmosphere, reducing noise pollution, embellishing a neighbourhood and increasing the value of a property.

There are lots of great reasons to plant a tree!

Please note that this program cannot be used to replace felled trees as the trees provided by the program do not meet the minimum size requirement under Kirkland’s Zoning By-Law Number 90-58.

For more information:

[email protected]

An initiative of:


Did you know...

that every Kirkland household is entitled to its very own public tree (planted on private property in the town’s right-of-way) and even two in the case of a corner lot or property comprising two separate lots?

Did you know...

that you can make the request via the Town’s website using the Requests online system, or by calling 514 630-2727 during regular business hours? 

Did you know... 

that the Town supplies the tree and required manpower to plant it and subsequently, sees to its pruning when required?

Did you know...

that once the tree is planted, all that is required is for you to give it a bit of water and TLC, watch it grow and congratulate yourself for having contributed to achieve Kirkland’s collective goal which is to increase the Town’s *tree canopy?

Now that you know, don’t forget to tell your neighbours!

INFO: 514 630-2727

[email protected] 


As part of its "One Birth, One Tree" program, the Town of Kirkland is proud to give new Kirkland parents the opportunity to celebrate baby’s arrival by planting a tree to grow at his/her side, on their own property or, if they prefer, in a city park or green space.

Program Terms and Conditions

Eligibility criteria

The following requirements must be met to qualify for the program:

  • Reside in Kirkland at the time of the birth or adoption; 
  • Apply for the program within twelve (12) months of the date of birth or adoption.  

Application Form

The Application Form must be filled out online by clicking here

Information required

The applying parents must indicate on the form:

  • Their *preferred type of tree to plant (out of 4 proposed varieties);
  • Their *preferred location to plant the tree (on private property, on city property, or in a city park).

*In all cases, the final decision as to the type of tree and where it is to be planted rests with the Town. 

Supporting documents

All applications must be submitted with the following documents :  

  • Proof of the birth or adoption of the child;
  • Proof of identity and residence of the applying parent

Choosing your baby’s tree and the appropriate planting location

This program offers a choice of four types of trees:

1. Small deciduous tree (6-10 m in height)
2. Large deciduous tree (15 m + in height)
3. Small evergreen (6-10 m in height)
4. Large evergreen (15 m + in height)

*Where the applicant is not the owner of the land upon which the tree is to be planted, a proxy form duly signed by said owner must accompany the application.  

Pour plus d'information:

514 630-2727
[email protected]

New tree replacement program for felled ash trees

The Town of Kirkland is proud to announce its participation in the Ensemble, on verdit residential greening campaign, an initiative of the GRAME. As part of this campaign, the Town of Kirkland subsidizes the purchase of one or more trees for its citizens to replace ash trees that had to be cut down on their property.

Citizens with this obligation are thus able to get a tree at a subsidized cost which includes the delivery of the tree, its planting and the addition of other inputs that will help improve its growth (watering basin using mulch around the trunk, Mycorrhizae).

The purchase period will start mid-May. More details to follow.

For more information about the trees offered, visit:

The trees offered in this program comply with the Town’s regulation that apply to felled ash trees*.

Don’t wait until the last minute to make your choice, since tree quantities are limited.


For more information:

514 630-2727
[email protected]


* Replacement trees offered in this campaign meet the minimal size required in the Town’s by-law GEN-2021-52 (35 mm in diameter measured at 1.3 metre from ground level). Trees sold in Kirkland through Ensemble on verdit must replace felled ash trees. If you did not receive a tree cutting certificate of authorization for an ash, you are not eligible.

Please note: The maximum number of subsidized tree.s allowed per resident through the Ensemble on verdit campaign is set by the number of tree.s to be replaced specified in the ash tree cutting certificate.